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Frequently Asked Questions

Sea Moss is considered by many to be a "superfood." It is a type of algae that contains 90% of the minerals and vitamins that our bodies need for proper function. It is firm in texture and ranges in colour from green, red, purple, brown and the most commonly seen colour is golden white.
Sea Moss offers many benefits as it contains 90% of the minerals and vitamins that our bodies need for proper function. It can be consumed or applied topically which can help to:
  • Promote a healthy thyroid
  • Support a healthy heart
  • Support a healthy immune system
  • Promote good digestion
  • Assist with weight loss by boosting metabolism
  • Deliver long-lasting energy
  • Support bone health
  • Improve libido
  • Improve the health of hair, skin, and nail
  • Help to improve mental health
  • Sea Moss also contains anti-inflammatory properties making it a great post-workout for muscle and joint recovery!

All Sea Moss is full of beneficial minerals and nutrients and is commonly used to create a gel which has a wide array of traditional uses. Certain colours contain Phytonutrients which offer additional benefits that are unique to them.
In its gel form Sea Moss can be consumed on its own or added to your favourite smoothies, protein shakes, teas and juices. Due to its versatile texture and minimal taste, Sea Moss Gel can even be used as a salad dressing, dip for fruit, face mask, hair mask or as a vegan thickening agent when cooking soups and stews.
Dried Sea Moss has a shelf life of approximately one year when stored in a cool, dry and dark space. Sea Moss Gel is best when used within two to three weeks. It must be kept sealed and refrigerated.

Please note: Sea Moss Gel has been known to vary in spoilage and is not intended to be stored but rather to be consumed. Signs of spoilage include an odd pungent aroma or taste, slimy coating on top layer and/or mould. If you find mould or suspect spoilage please discontinue use and reach out immediately.

If you use your Sea Moss Gel daily, spoilage will NEVER be a concern.
Yes, freezing your Sea Moss Gel can dramatically extended the shelf life from 3 weeks to 3 months. If you have a lot of Sea Moss Gel and are worried about it going bad, we recommend scooping it into ice cube trays and freezing it.

Sea Moss ice cubes are so convenient and easy to add to your smoothies, soups or porridge. You can even rub them on your face in the mornings to help reduce puffiness, shrink pores and brighten your skin.
Sea Moss is an all-natural herb that can be consumed by both, adults and children. As with all things, it should be consumed in moderation. We recommend consuming 1-2 tablespoons of Sea Moss Gel per day.

Please note: Before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider and/or nutritionist. Individual results may vary, dependent on your health condition, diet and any other supplements or medications that you may be taking.
Sea Moss grows in warm, tropical oceans and has thick, stick-like branches. Our Irish moss also known as Chondrus Crispus grows in colder, northern oceans and has flat curly leaves. Both are part of the red algae family which makes them very similar in nutritional value.
Sea Moss itself does have a slight ocean fresh taste to it. Unlike most products we consume, we do not add any chemicals or preservants to our gel. Sea Moss has a natural Sea Smell that gets stronger within time.
Some of the minerals that Sea Moss contains are Zinc, Iodine, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, B Complex Vitamins, Sodium, Sulphur and Silicon. It is a great source of dietary fiber, ,Vitamin K, Copper, Riboflavin, Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Manganese, Protein, Beta Carotene, B Vitamins, Pectin, Taurine (an amino acid usually lacking in vegan and vegetarian diets) and Vitamin C. These are all essential nutrients that you need to support and maintain healthy bodily function.
Sea Moss grows along the rocky coast in the ocean. While there are many species that grow in various parts of the world, ours is sourced from the pristine waters of the coast of county Clare.

Local divers hand-pick our Sea Moss and naturally harvest it in the ocean. It is then cleaned and sun-dried prior to packaging. There is no other human intervention or use of chemicals and pesticides. The ocean waters are also monitored and routinely tested for Heavy Metals such as Lead, Mercury, E.Coli, and more.
We sell Organic Irish Sea Moss Chondrus Crispus/Carrageen Moss. While there are thousands of different species of Sea Moss, Chondrus Crispus/Carrageen Moss is one of the most popular and is grown in cold climates most notably around Ireland.
We ship out orders on Mondays and Thursdays after your order has been received and processed. We ship via Fastway/AN Post and after your order has been shipped, you will receive your tracking number via email. After your order has been shipped, typically they are received within 1-3 business days.
Many expectant and nursing mothers have used Sea Moss Gel while pregnant and/or breastfeeding and they saw no complications while doing so. In fact, many have stated that Sea Moss Gel aided in the successful production of breast milk, giving them clearer skin and reduced stretch marks, eliminated morning sickness and many more benefits. Sea Moss also eliminated many of the ailments that babies obtain after birth including spit up, colic, rash, and more.

Please note: Before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider and/or nutritionist. Individual results may vary, dependent on your health condition, diet and any other supplements or medications that you may be taking.
Reach out to us by sending an email to mothersmoss00@gmail.com and one of our member staff will get back to you as soon as possible. Or, alternatively, send us a DM on our Instagram @mothersmoss.
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*Disclaimer - Please note the listed health benefits of our products are subject to opinion and should not be taken as medical advice. Nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another. You should always consult with a medical professional before incorporating herbal remedies into your diet, particularly if you are taking medication, pregnant or breastfeeding.